Hello village!
It has been a very long time since I posted a blog. I have not been able to do a lot of the things that I love to do. I sleep a lot more and am medicated a lot. Why?
I injured both of my ankles on May 9, walking down the steps to my basement office. The pain was horrific!! It was an arduous day, actually an arduous three days because that's the amount of time it took before I could have surgery.
As it turns out, I dislocated my right ankle and I also broke the three bones connecting my foot to my leg. Ouch!!!!!!
I had an ORIF surgery procedure where they repaired the bone with screws, pins and needles. I have been going to weekly doctor's visits since my release from the hospital.

But wait, there's more.
I had a second procedure, May 27 that involved a skin graph and another week in the hospital.
So there you have it. The month of May has been a very trying month that consisted of my first bone brake, two one-week hospital stays, and lots of pain and agony. The bright side is that I've had a lot of time to think, a lot of time to make preparations for when I'm better, and a lot of time to just relax and rest.
So there you have it good people!
I am on the mend, Optimtic, and looking forward to each new day.