A few days ago I asked followers to comment below what makes them feel motivated and energetic when life gets tough. It did not surprise me that the response was low. Ever the optimist, I will continue engaging people in search of common ground, sharing thoughts, and positivity.
Getting back to the question... I would be remiss not to answer the same question for myself. For me, there are four things that make me feel motivated and energetic, when life gets tough.
My presence. The very fact that I exist and am here at this moment is a shouting opportunity. I'm here, despite whatever may be going on or may have happened, I am here! Existence uplifts me.
Memories. As the song plays so vividly in my ear, I hear Minnie Ripperton singing, "back down memory lane." That's where I go... back down memory lane and look over my life. I recall those good things to celebrate, those those bad things that helped mold me, or trials that pushed me. I realize that those things helped me grow. They helped me gain wisdom and strength, which also led to my resiliency.
Resiliency is your ability to bounce back. So that bounce back, is something that motivates me and energizes me and uplifts me. It is a super power that allows me to run another 5K, 10K, launch and relaunch my business. Knowing that I did, can, will bounce back is a great mental safety net when all hell seems to be breaking lose.
And lastly, my passions. There are things that I'm passionate about. Doing those things, getting involved in those things, give me that jolt that I need, mentally, physically, emotionally, even spiritually. To carry on, to be motivated, and to be the energetic spiritual being in this human existence is fueled by my passions. People ask me how or why do I still run and cycle like I do at the age of 50. I do it because I love it. Speaking of love, I cannot go any further without mentioning camping. Physical fitness and camping make me feel good. They make my body feel good. They make my mind feel good. It's wonderful! I passionately love it!
So there you have it. My presence, memories, resilience, and passions are the things that make me feel motivated and energetic when life gets tough!
Be good to yourself today.
Remember... if you care, you share.