From the time I was a child, I always had a go-to that served as a means of escape.
In my pre-teen years my go-to was reading. I would constantly and consistently check out library books and read for hours daily! Growing up in a small town, I could go anywhere, be, and do anything by cracking open a book and reading its contents!
In my early teens my go-to was playing the clarinet! My wooden, Normandy clarinet was my best friend. We were inseparable. I had such respect and adoration for my instrument of musical, mental, and emotional pleasure. That respect and adoration resulted in 1st chair ranking throughout my band years.
In my late teens my go-to was athletics (basketball and track). I would run, dribble, and shoot for hours a day, rain or shine. I saw basketball as a way of getting away! Basketball or track was my college scholarship ticket! They were also activities that allowed me to be a part of something BIGGER than me or my immediate family. I learned leadership, courage, and discipline playing sports!
Becoming a mother at 22, my daughter became my go-to. In her eyes I could see so much promise for a better future, world, and life. I had to be the best ME for her (and for myself). Watching her grow and mature was amazing and beautiful!
In my 30's establishing myself in a career with a reputable company was my go-to. My daughter was growing to be everything I expected her to be and more! I had to make a better life for the both of us. Not only did I land in that company, I also began earning college degrees and advancement within the company. The same company is where I became involved in community service, health and wellness, and diversity programs.
In my 40's, my go-to evolved into spaces and places I never imagined. Traveling the world, experiencing new things and encountering new people allowed me to develop several go-to tactics: the work of ministry (serving and perpetuating positivity), meditation, Reiki, sweat lodges, nature bathing (submerging myself in nature), running, cycling and camping.
Now that I am 50, my GO-TO is camping! Whether tent camping or in our travel trailer, I LOVE CAMPING! My wife and I have been camping for over three years and I must confess that camping has become a healing modality for us both! I/We extend the invitation to you to participate in the HEALING that takes place #CAMPING4CLARITY!

Is that at Stone Mountain by the lake? Looks beautiful!